Up to Speed
2002-11-05 @ 12:50 p.m.

Oy vey, six days. Sorry about that, I seem to be reneging on my updating promise.

Well, as you may have guessed, not much has been happening over the last week. I do homework, go to school, I read, I ride the train, I sleep. Geeze, now I sound like Carolina, Abby. But really, that's what life is made up of, repetitive actions. Depressing really, but let's try not to think about that.

On to the non-repetitive stuff.

Last Wednesday was me da's birthday. It went relatively well. He liked the Cube we got him and we had pie and et cetera.

Halloween was very un-Halloweeny this year. And, yes, that is a word.

Saturday, Alex and I got into the holiday spirit. I've decided to give up my perenial fight against the early coming of Christmas. I would rail against any and all twinkle lights, reigndeer, tinsel, and etc. that were on display before Thanksgiving. This year is different. Why fight it? It's much easier and fun this way ::hums "We Need a Little Christmas:: And, as an added bonus, all you fine people don't have to hear me complaining for the next three weeks. So I shall go gentle into that dark night, for it is filled with multi-colored lights and Santa Claus lawn ornaments.

Sunday, we had another Lucio-Ebel outing, this time to Cantigny. The war museum was actually really cool, and I want to know why a teacher never took me there on a field trip. The mansion tour was okay. It was a bit tedious and they need to either retrain the tour guide or rewrite the script.

Monday was . . . Monday. Actually it was a terrible horrible no good very bad Monday. All manner of things went wrong: I broke my necklace and lost the scarab, my pen exploded all over my hand, I whacked my knee, I couldn't find an open computer, I had one of those low intensity background headaches all day, diaryland was being very very stupid, and I was forced to eat pork for dinner (shut up, Abby, I know I'm a Styric). On top of that, my geography professor, Euan, insisted on being extraordinarily funny and cute. You'd think that would be a good thing, but it isn't because, you see, it makes me incapable of acting like a normal human being around him. I think that warrents an arg. Yes, ARHG!

Today is turning out to be an alright day. But I haven't gone to Latin yet, so that asessment is likely to change. Hey, I just remembered - it's Guy Fawkes Day! Yay! ::burns George Bush in effigy::

Public Service Announcement of the Day:

If you can vote, vote; or you forfit your right to complain for the next 2 to 4 years.

before ~ after

Failing Miserably - 2004-10-08
So Not Dead/Catching Up - 2004-09-20
Murphy's Law - 2,629,163,298, Sarah - 2 - 2004-08-23
Listmainia! continues - 2004-08-04
Continuing the list - 2004-08-02