Mesa back!
2003-11-03 @ 2:27 p.m.

Well, today was less overwhelming than I thought it would be. That's a mondo good thing. I got my reading done on time and everything was fine and dandy in class. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the real Day of Dread. I have to write a response that was due a week ago and I need to have some sort of draft ready for my final paper so I can get tutored on it some time this week. Bloody Dr, Bosker and her need to keep us on schedule. I'm really not looking forward to philosophy; daoism is one of those things that make me go "Whaaaaa?" and I'm now 2 days of class notes behind. my final paper is going to be the suckiest of all sucky papers.

Speaking of which: my NaNo. It isn't going well. I'm about 5,000 words behind where I should be. I'm not going attempt to describe how appalling my prose is. The names are good, I have a cool object d'quest, and the plot is acceptable, but I forgot that I cannot write fiction. I'm a nonfictionalist by nature and training. Maybe it'll get better. Maybe I should just join the forum's Suck Club now.

The awesome thing about writing an Indiana Jones is the research. I actually had a legitimate reason for watching Raiders of the Lost Ark for the 98,743th time. And I found this website that will teach you to curse in 124 different languages.

Movie Quote of the Day (courtesy Marion Ravenswood):

"You can't do this to me! I'm an American! Iiiiiinnndyyyyy!"

before ~ after

Failing Miserably - 2004-10-08
So Not Dead/Catching Up - 2004-09-20
Murphy's Law - 2,629,163,298, Sarah - 2 - 2004-08-23
Listmainia! continues - 2004-08-04
Continuing the list - 2004-08-02